Accidental, Sickness, & Hospital

Accident, Sickness, and Hospital plans let you choose your own healthcare and visit nearly any doctor or hospital you prefer. The insurance provider pays a fixed percentage of your total expenses.

An Accident, Sickness, and Hospital plan could be a good fit for you if:

  • You seek maximum freedom in selecting doctors or hospitals.
  • You prefer not to assign primary care physicians or obtain referrals for specialists.
  • You wish to visit any physician of your choice without restrictions.

Accidental, Sickness, and Hospital Explained

Accident, Sickness, and Hospital plans give you the freedom to choose your own healthcare and visit nearly any doctor or hospital you prefer. The insurance company pays a fixed percentage of your total costs. These plans are also known as “fee-for-service” plans, offering a widely accepted alternative to traditional health coverage that ensures your acceptance and can provide immediate coverage.

How These Plans Work

With an Accident, Sickness, and Hospital plan, you can see any doctors or specialists you prefer, without needing referrals. While you may choose to receive most of your basic care from one physician, your insurance won’t require you to select a primary care doctor. This type of plan may require you to pay upfront for services and then submit a claim for reimbursement. Many Accident, Sickness, and Hospital plans offer benefits immediately, meaning coverage begins on the first dollar of your initial claim, allowing you to access care at doctors, hospitals, and medical facilities right after your plan starts.

You typically won’t need to pay an annual deductible before the insurance company covers your claims, though it can happen in some cases. Once any deductible is met for that medical service, the insurer usually pays your claims at a set percentage based on the “usual, customary, and reasonable” (UCR) rate for the service, which reflects what local healthcare providers typically charge for similar services.